Friday, June 30, 2006

Poor Corey, Part 2!

Well, today was the first day of Corey's recovery from having all 4 of his wisdom teeth pulled. He started off the day eating scrambled eggs and sausage. Then, he went outside to mow the grass. It probably helped that he took his pain medication at breakfast. He went with Gretchen and Zach to Zach's Allergist appointment. He started to really hurt by that time because he hadn't taken his pain medication. So, we went to Ye Old Fashioned Ice Cream and both had a brownie sundae. We went home and all 3 of us took a nap. When we got up, Corey was hurting really bad. He's starting to see some swelling. He layed on the couch with an ice pack on his cheek tonight after dinner. Poor thing!