Friday, June 16, 2006

Decorating the House

Well, the house is really starting to come along. We took our home gym down yesterday. That really opened our loft area. We moved the armoire that we got from one of Corey's co-workers into the loft along with the 36" TV. We've got it set up with the xbox for Corey to play. Although, Gretchen plays it with Corey every so often. We just bought a microfiber couch and chaise along with end tables, a small table and an area rug to go upstairs. That won't get delivered until June 29th. So, as soon as we get that I'll have to post a picture. Picking out drapes should be fun but we'll see when we get to do that.

There's no painting going on yet. We're trying to establish what exactly is going to be our permanent decor. God has really blessed us with nice things and a big house. Of course, there will probably ALWAYS be something to do to the house. So far, all 3 bathrooms are done and the guest bedroom is done. Our bedroom is ALMOST done. If we can just figure out what to do with the windows, it'll be done.

We did finally get a bunk bed for Zach about a month ago. Here's a picture of Zach and Corey after we put it together.

Today is Corey's first day back to work of his 4 days. So, Gretchen is just situating and reorganizing things in the house while Zach is taking a nap.


Anonymous said...

Hello Aunt Gretchen and Uncle Corey! I still talk about you getting married! Now sometimes I pretend that I am getting married too. Nice blog spot!

Anonymous said...

I love this blog page, and Zach's blog is so cute.
Hoping to see the decorated house this fall,
Love ya'll

Anonymous said...

Who on earth created the term "blog"? Probably someone with too much time on their hands. Sounds like the McMillin's are getting it together these days. Looks as though Corey's better half is bringing some refinement into the home as well as Corey's life. You didn't get this from me, but he needed a little refinement, ha. Isn't she gorgeous. Keep up the good work.