Monday, June 19, 2006

Packing for the trip!

We're going to Missouri! We've got a nice long 12 hour trip ahead of us tonight. Corey is working and won't be home until 8 p.m. Gretchen is cleaning the house, packing and making sure everything is taken care of before the trip. Gretchen will be napping with Zach this afternoon b/c she is driving probably most of the night. After Corey working his hard 12 hour day, he's going to be exhausted. Gretchen has had some trouble sleeping lately, anyway, so it shouldn't be too terribly bad. Zach will have to sleep in his carseat! He'll be nice and comfy. He's used to sleeping in his carseat on the way up to Maryland (which is an 8 hour drive).

We should have some fun! We are going to Kennett, MO to visit with Corey's family. This is where Corey is from. We'll get to spend some time with Corey's dad and his wife, Brenda, as well as his mom. Gretchen will get to meet Corey's grandparents and possibly some other members of his family. We'll be staying with Corey's Dad! We may even get to sneak out for the evening by ourselves while his parents get some quality time with Zach. :)


Anonymous said...

We are so excited that Corey, Gretchen, and Zach are coming to visit !!