Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Corey & Zach made it very special for Gretchen for Mother's Day. They made all these different cards with different messages in them and put them around the house. Then, when Gretchen walked downstairs to the kitchen where they were lined up across the kitchen counter and stove and they spelled out "Happy Mother's Day". Gretchen was so surprised and loved it so much. She definitely felt appreciated.

Corey & Gretchen, together called his mom & step-mom, and Gretchen's mom to wish them a Happy Mother's Day and to let them all know that we love & appreciate them.

Our heart goes out to those who lost their Mother, which I'm sure made the day hard for them. Our heart also goes out to those Mother's who have lost their children and to those Mother's who didn't hear from their children on this special day. We hope you all still had a Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day !!