Thursday, April 26, 2007


Gretchen has gained a little bit of weight recently, no more than 6 or 7 lbs (she thinks). So, she's going to go back on her "diet" and start at the gym next week. Her parents are coming down to visit us this weekend, so she can't start this weekend.

Gretchen is thinking about teaching at Zach's school next year. It's really an ideal job for her. She'd be there during the same hours Zach is AND we would only have to pay 50% of the tuition fee for Zach. Plus, the kids are so sweet at the school. The teachers are really nice too.

Gretchen has been cleaning and putting stuff on ebay to sell. It's a great way to get rid of our stuff and make a little extra money. :) She's been trying to figure out how to use some of the software on our computer. We can record from our cable on our computer. She's been recording the "Planet Earth" series. She's been working on taking the commercials out so we can burn them to DVD's. Now, we just need some blank DVD's.... time to go to Walmart. :)