Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Family Christmas Pictures!

We got our first pictures, as a family, taken together. It was rough. It took 1 1/2 hours to get some good pictures. The very first picture they took didn't turn out very well but that's what we had to go with for the big package. We plan on ordering other ones. It took forever to get a good smile from Zach. He just smiles too big most of the time.

Corey FINALLY has 4 days off this week. Just in time for Zach's Christmas play that he's in at school. It should be really cute. Don't worry... we're going to video tape it. He supposed to be a little shepherd. We have Corey's work Christmas party this week. It should be fun. We'll see how Zach does with a babysitter. :)

We're both REALLY excited about Christmas. Gretchen found out about the gift that Corey got her for Christmas so she already has it. She got a Palm Treo PDA cell phone. It's REALLY cool. It's palm pilot in combination with a cell phone. Plus, it has MS Word, Excel, and Powerpoint on it. It's VERY nice. Gretchen has SEVERAL gifts for Corey but we can't mention them on here until after Christmas. He doesn't know about them yet. ;)