Tuesday, August 08, 2006
We woke up yesterday morning to cat spray on our black leather couch. Of course we knew who the culprit was.... MAX. He has done this before. Gretchen took him to the vet when we first moved down here b/c he was doing that. It turned out that he had a UTI. So, we had to give him some pills to kick the infection. It worked. He stopped spraying on the couch. We think it's a UTI again b/c he is going to the bathroom A LOT and he keeps cleaning a certain part of himself. So, Gretchen is taking him to the vet today. He's already sprayed the couch twice today.
While Gretchen is taking the cat to the vet, Corey is taking Zach and going to fill his scuba tanks. He's going scuba diving tomorrow and is SOOO excited. We're hoping that he will catch some fish that we can throw on the grill. Free food.... gotta love it! Corey just got a new spear gun that he REALLY wanted. This will be his first time trying it out.
Hmmmm,sounds like a fish fry at Corey and Gretchens? lol
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