Thursday, July 20, 2006
Nothing has really been going on. We sold Gretchen's computer to one of Corey's co-workers. We weren't using it at ALL and could really use the money to try to pay off some bills. Corey says that we can't even think about having a baby until Gretchen's student loans and car are paid off. So, Gretchen is pushing to get those bills paid. Hopefully we'll have at least the student loans paid by the end of the year. BUT... we have to plan around going to Hawaii in January, 2008. Gretchen's parents are renewing their vows then and both Corey and Gretchen would like to go. So, Gretchen is praying that God will change Corey's mind to at least start trying around December, 2006. We'll see.
Corey has been working days this week. Gretchen has been cleaning through her Premier jewelry to try to sell what she doesn't want. She was thinking about continuing to sell the jewelry but she decided to give piano lessons instead. We are trying to be conscious of what we don't use or want anymore and try to sell it. Gretchen also wants to sell her wedding gown (since she won't be wearing it anymore) but is still trying to figure out how to sell it. Maybe ebay?? If you have any suggestions or know of anyone who may want it, let us know.
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