Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Leah- 2 months

At Leah's 2 month check-up, 2 weeks ago, she was 13 lbs 13 oz. and 25 1/4 inches long. She is in the 95th percentile for weight and 99.8th percentil for height. The doctor said that she is not a fat baby (even though we think she is) but that she is a long baby.She's definitely going to be tall.

The doctor gave her a prescription for Zantac for her reflux. That seems to be helping a lot, with the exception of today and yesterday. She's been extremely fussy the past couple of days. Gretchen went to worship team practice last night and Leah cried the entire 2 hours that she was gone. We think that might have been because she's attached to Gretchen, though, b/c as soon as Gretchen got home she stopped crying. Corey is much more understanding of Gretchen, now, when she tells him that Leah has been fussy or crying all day.
This picture is a frequent face that we see from Leah. lol It's so cute though. :)