Sunday, August 24, 2008


We love You!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nursery peek

Gretchen's been working so hard on getting the nursery ready. It's not 100% completed but it's getting pretty close. She still need to finish the "window decorating". Plus, there's a picture up on the wall that still has the paper in it from when it was bought. We're going to leave it like that until after the baby is born. Then, once we have a definite name, we're going to order her name to go in that frame. So, if you look real close, it might look a little strange but now you know why. Anyway, here are a few of the pics to see what it looks like so far.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Busy, busy Summer '08

This summer has been soooo busy for us. In July alone, Gretchen and Zach had Vacation Bible School for a week. Then, Gretchen had some bleeding and had to go to the doctor's a couple of times. Everything is okay, tho. At the end of July, we met Gretchen's parents' half way to drop Zach off with them for almost a week. The following weekend, Gretchen's parents' drove down here and stayed with us for a couple of days. While they were down, Corey & Gretchen's Dad went to a men's conference, Promise Keepers. They love going to those things together. They always have fun and get their "guy time" together. :)

While the guys were at Promise Keepers, the girls and Zach got to just hang out. Although, we did do a lot of work. Gretchen's mom helped Gretchen (or basically did it all) sew a bunch of matching things to go in the nursery. She did an EXCELLENT job! It really helped the baby's room look so much nicer.

The next 2 days after they left, the beginning of August, Gretchen painted the nursery all by herself. It was hard work but it is done! We then had a Sunday School get together/ barbeque at our house. For those of you that don't know, we started teaching the young adult sunday school group at our church. So, we had a "kick off" to try to get to know them better. With that came Gretchen having to clean the house, figure out what we were going to have to eat, going to the grocery store and actually making or cutting up the food. Corey did all the grilling, tho. :)

Gretchen is now 26 weeks pregnant and everything looks good. The picture is from last week, her being 25 weeks pregnant. We are getting more and more excited about meeting our daugther. (that's so weird to say, lol)