Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Zach's birthday and more

The past couple of months have seem to flown by. Our lives has been extremely busy. Anytime that we do have, we either are trying to do something as just a family or just want to relax.

Zach's birthday is coming up and we should have a lot of fun. A lot of his friends are going to be there, both from school and church. Gretchen's parents will be visiting for the weekend. We're looking forward to them coming down and visiting. Gretchen's even gotten some Christmas shopping done to send back with her parents. She's hoping to get it all done by the end of November, at least for our extended family, but she can't until she finishes getting the rest of the Christmas lists.

The next couple of days will probably go by quick. Gretchen always likes to clean and organize before her parents come down. So, that will be her goal along with running all the errands for Zach's birthday party. Corey's only responsibility is helping Gretchen with Zach and picking her parents up from the airport. :)
We just had our pictures done on Sunday along with Zach's pictures. We'll let you all see them once we get them. :)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Mi's on our Wii

Corey has been working hard. He's been working about 50 hours a week. Although, Gretchen has been so busy with teaching at Zach's school, worship team practice, bible studies, making food for the bible studies, working with Zach, cleaning the house, paying the bills, and filling in at church for the pianist that she doesn't even notice how many hours he works sometimes, even though she still misses him when he's gone. :)

We have found time to play our Nintendo Wii, a lot. We LOVE playing it. You can make your own characters called "Mi"'s. Let's see if you can guess from the pictures which one is suppose to be who. Can you tell? (these pictures were taken on the TV, that's why they aren't very clear)All three of us love to play tennis and bowling. Both Corey and Gretchen have "pro" status for both of them. We like to compete against each other. We're hoping to get hooked up to the Internet with it soon. Both of our arms have been hurting the past day or so from playing it so much. It's definitely an interactive game. LOL

We're still trying to have a baby. No news right now. Gretchen is already picturing how to decorate the "nursery", which right now is Zach's room. Gretchen is hoping to move Zach into the guest bedroom and make Zach's room a nursery. She's hoping we'll be able to store the bunkbed so that we can use it in the future. Only time will tell what will happen. :)