Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Gretchen started painting the master bedroom on Friday morning. She painted all day Friday, part of Saturday and part of Sunday. Corey helped her finish a little bit on the last wall but otherwise she did everything by herself. She taped everything off, painted all the trim, and painted 2 coats over the dark blue. It was a tough job but it's FINALLY done. After the picture was taken, she dusted everything in the room, went through any and all junk that was on the floor, went through the filing cabinet and clothes that don't get worn anymore. The room looks great. The picture is the new color that was painted on over the weekend.

Corey has been working hard on the garage all weekend. He got done all the dry walling and sanding. Then, Gretchen helped him paint the garage yesterday (including the ceiling). Corey says he wants to go back over some of it just to make sure it's got a thick coat of paint on it but after that, the hardest part will be done. Next will be putting fluorescent lights in. That's probably the last of what the money will allow us to do for right now. Corey also wants to put flooring in, a base board and some shelving in it, which should ultimately complete it, but that may not happen until fall or even next year.

You would think we were doing "spring cleaning" right now. Both Corey and Gretchen have been going through EVERYTHING and are in this "THROW OUT" mood. lol We're both just sick of accumulating "junk". Gretchen is going to try to sell some of the stuff on ebay or craigslist. She's done a good job of making some money in the past doing that. :)

Monday, July 16, 2007

What a Summer!

This summer has been.... interesting. After going to Maryland, we had to go to Missouri. It wasn't exactly the most pleasant trip for us so we'll skip telling that part of our summer.

Even though the summer didn't start off being the best, it's turned out to be a pretty good summer. We've been going to a bible study called "the TRUTH project". It's a video series that asks you very logical questions to get you to think WHY you believe what you believe and HOW you know what you believe is true. It's VERY good! It's also been nice being around our friends so much. We've really been enjoying the fellowship as well as the videos.

Gretchen started giving piano lessons about a month ago. She's got 2 students that she really enjoys giving piano lessons to. She's also beginning to give Zach some lessons, though it's not every week. This week she's teaching at Vacation Bible School. She's teaching 3rd and 4th graders. Plus, she's going to start teaching at Zach's school this year.

For the fourth of July, we sat in the back of the truck on our "beach chairs" in a parking lot and watched them. We had so much fun just sitting there as a family watching them together. It was our first year together as a family b/c last year Zach was with Gretchen's parents. So, it was pretty special.

We've been going to the beach a lot this summer. We both LOVE the beach. We only go once a week since Corey works Monday-Friday now. We usually go Saturday morning when the park opens before most of the people get there. Then, we stop and get milkshakes on the way home. It's become a nice family tradition. We don't get to do it EVERY Saturday, but most Saturdays.

We're currently working on finishing the garage and planning on painting our master bedroom. Corey painted it a navy blue color and Gretchen doesn't like it and doesn't think it matches the decor of the room. So.... Gretchen has taken it on as HER project to paint the room while Corey's project is the garage. Gretchen's hoping to get the painting done before her parents come down the first weekend in August.