Friday, March 16, 2007

New furniture

We finally got the rest of our new furniture this week. We LOVE it! It's so comfortable and warm feeling. We also ordered a modern piece of artwork to hang above the couch. As soon as we get that, we can pick out curtains and paint. We're very excited! The house definitely has a nice "warm" feeling to it. We can't wait for people to come down or out to visit. (especially our family members... hint, hint!!)

We also are enjoying our online subscription to Blockbuster. It's VERY nice. We especially like the fact that we can go into Blockbuster and exchange the movies. That way, we don't have to wait for them to receive it. Plus, we get a free coupon every month to rent either a game or another movie for free. We've found that we've been watching more movies lately. That's probably the only downfall of these types of things. You want to make sure you get your money's worth but you don't want to spend all your time in front of the TV.

This week has been so nice outside. Gretchen picked Zach up from school, came home and took him on a nice long bike ride. He has 2 bikes to ride. One is for kids just learning how to ride and he has another that is a regular bike with training wheels. We've been really trying to get him to ride the bigger bike. The more he rides it, the less scared of it he will be. He did it. He was on the bigger bike a good bit around the neighborhood. Then, Gretchen fixed him a sandwich and chocolate milk so he could have something to eat and drink while she took him on a wagon ride. He LOVED that. It's so nice to be home during the day while all the kids are at school and while there isn't as much traffic going through the neighborhood. Now, we just can't wait to get a fence. :)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

No Gym

As much as Gretchen planned on going to the gym, she didn't. Corey was able to easily convince her to take this week without Zach and sleep in. He convinced her to eat whatever she wanted and to just enjoy her freedom. Of course Gretchen thought it was a good idea as well. She hasn't done much this week except sleep in and watch a lot of movies/ tv shows. This wasn't exactly what she planned in her mind. She planned on really cleaning the house and getting some reading done. Oh well.... there went that plan. lol

So, today she is cleaning some. She did get Zach's room clean. Now she's working on our room.

We went shopping the other night for some furniture for the living room and bought some. This wasn't planned but it was a nice time to go to a furniture store WITHOUT a 3 year old climbing over everything. (We're sure most of you parents know what we're talking about) We're both very picky about what kind of furniture that we like. We finally found a set that we liked and they had a "sale" too. So, we were sold. We should be able to pick some of it up this weekend before we get Zach back. It would be really nice if we could get the painting done before we get Zach but we're not sure if that is going to be possible.

This is Corey's first week with his "regular" schedule. Yesterday he had to work a 13 hour day. That's the downfall of working days, Mon-Fri. If a project isn't done, Corey HAS to stay until it's done. It's been different. So far, Gretchen likes the shift work better. He's not tired on the days that he's off during shift work. Now he comes home from work and is tired everyday. The nice thing about this is that if he doesn't like "days", he can go back to "shift work" in 6 months.